How to manage the money flowing in and out? It’s really easy. Just note down all your expenditures, that’s all! Using MoneyKeeper you’ll be able to note every expenditure with just one click! It have never been so handy!
The main components that make the accounting so effective and pleasant:
1. An intuitive and comfortable interface made in Material Design style.
2. New notes are added promptly.
3. Both expenditure and income information is placed at the screen.
4. Control of categories and subcategories.
5. Unlimited number of expenditure, income and accounts.
6. You can determine the limit of budget for every category of expenditure and income.
7. The main screen tells all information about expenditure, income, budget and current assets.
8. Backup.
9. The password protection.
10. No advertisements.
More abilities in new versions.
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